Privacy policy

Your privacy is important to WannaHost Inc.. (hereinafter “WannaHost”). WannaHost is therefore pleased to provide this Privacy Statement to inform you of WannaHost’s practices with respect to the collection, storage and use of your personal information (hereinafter “Data”).


Please read this Privacy Statement carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we treat it.

By accessing or using our services, you agree to this privacy statement.

How WannaHost collects information about you

In general, WannaHost will only collect and store the Data you have provided if this is required in order to provide you with services and products you have ordered from WannaHost or to answer your inquiry.


WannaHost may collect your Data when:

1. You order a service from WannaHost.

2. You participate in a WannaHost survey.

3. You subscribe to WannaHost newsletters.

4. You ask WannaHost for more information about its services or contact WannaHost with a question, comment or complaint.

5. You submit an abuse notification to WannaHost.

6. You use the WannaHost network, WannaHost infrastructure, and/or other WannaHost services.


In addition, WannaHost may collect and transmit Data about you to the extent permitted by law from and/or to fraud-prevention agencies, referral partners and credit reference agencies.

What types of information WannaHost collects about you

1. Your name / company name, (business/private) address, VAT number if applicable, phone number and email address. We may also collect the URL from which you linked into our site, your IP address & ISP, your browser type and version, and a history of your actions on our website.

2. Your WannaHost account information — such as WannaHost services you ordered, domain name registration information, the IP addresses assigned to you, your customer ID, service charges owed and received, the use of WannaHost services or any other information related to your account.

3. Your communication with WannaHost — such as a recording of a call you make to WannaHost, a chat transcript when you engage in a chat session on WannaHost’s website, an email or letter you send to WannaHost or other records of any contact you have with WannaHost.

4. Information about your payment method, such as credit card number, bank account number or other banking information, transaction IDs & payment dates.

5. Information provided by you to WannaHost when you notify WannaHost of a (suspected) breach of WannaHost’s acceptable use policies.

6. Copies of documents and information that certify your identity according to applicable law.


Why WannaHost processes your personal information

WannaHost processes your Data for the following purposes:

1. Processing of orders and provision of services.

2. Conducting market research, conducting retention and customer satisfaction surveys, conducting marketing activities (including email newsletters and social media), conducting sales activities (including analyzing your Data and your use of WannaHost services for making (personalized) offers and quotes with the aim of entering into a customer relationship, and/or maintaining, renewing or expanding a customer relationship) and offering promotional games of chance.

3. Communicating with customers:

3.1 to provide information about the services of WannaHost;

3.2 to provide information about offers, orders, provision of services, order status and payment;

3.3 to provide support and maintenance of services;

3.4 to handle complaints;

3.5 to answer questions from (potential) customers.

4. Performing financial processes, including:

4.1 calculating, invoicing and collecting of service charges;

4.2 processing financial transactions regarding the acceptance of orders;

4.3 granting debt collection rights to third parties;

4.4 investigating creditworthiness and risk management, including prevention of overextending credit to (potential) customers and verifying whether (potential) customers will be able to comply with financial obligations.

5. Investigating and processing suspected violations of WannaHost’s General Terms and Conditions, Terms of Services.

6. Ensuring the security of persons, goods and objects, and performing fraud detection.

7. Conducting legal processes, including:

7.1 conducting legal proceedings;

7.2 collecting evidence for civil legal proceedings relating to WannaHost’s customers.

8. Complying with statutory obligations, including:

8.1 provision of data to authorities in the context of criminal investigations;

8.2 complying with (applicable) data retention obligations;

8.3 the provision of Data to third parties concerning customers in connection with an infringement of these third parties’ rights.

Data sharing

WannaHost may share Data about you if WannaHost has obtained your consent; or in cases allowed by law, with the following third parties:

1. Partners or agents involved in delivering the services you have ordered from WannaHost.

2. Credit reference, fraud prevention or business scoring agencies, or other credit scoring agencies.

3. Domain name registries when WannaHost registers a domain name on your behalf.

4. Debt collection agencies or other debt recovery organizations.

5. Law enforcement agencies, regulatory organizations, courts or other public authorities to the extent required by law.

6. WannaHost’s customer, if you notify WannaHost that this customer’s use of WannaHost services violates WannaHost’s General Terms and Conditions , Terms of Services, or applicable law.

7. A third party that has claimed that your use of the WannaHost services violates the WannaHost’s General Terms and Conditions, Terms of Services, or applicable law (to the extent such sharing is required by law).

Data Security

WannaHost has implemented technical and organizational measures, to the extent technically possible, to keep your Data safe from outside attacks, loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. When collecting, processing or sharing your Data, WannaHost will use current encryption methods to protect your Data. WannaHost has been focused on implementing fair information practices that are designed to protect your data privacy effectively. It believes that everyone benefits from the free flow of information when that information is gathered and used responsibly. The Data you may provide is shared only with authorized employees of WannaHost, and on a limited basis, with distributors who will supply information or further data for your benefit and the other parties mentioned in this statement. In addition, WannaHost may disclose personally identifiable information only as may be required by subpoena, search warrant, or other legal processes.


WannaHost uses cookies and statistics to analyze how visitors use our website. Cookies contain a unique combination of letters and numbers. Cookies do not contain any form of personal data. Therefore, cookies cannot be used to identify you personally. Furthermore, cookies cannot be used to identify you on other websites. Our website uses Google Analytics cookies. By using these cookies we collect data about the usage of our website. We analyze and use this data to improve our website.

Deletion of the data collected and stored

Legislation has stipulated a wide range of obligations for the collection and storage of data. After expiration of such periods, the corresponding data will be routinely deleted by WannaHost. In addition, unrelated to these foresaid timeframes, we will delete such data as soon as the purpose outlined above does not exist any longer.


Your rights

Under applicable law, you have the right:

1. to check whether WannaHost holds your Data;

2. to access that Data;

3. to amend any Data that is incorrect or no longer valid.

You may exercise these rights by contacting the WannaHost customer Support Department through the ‘Contact’ page on the website.


This Privacy Statement may change from time to time. Your continued use of our services after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes. WannaHost advises you to periodically review this page to see if any changes have been implemented.


If you have any questions or suggestions about WannaHost’s privacy practices, please feel free to contact us by e-mail.